Explaining the “Spooky” Science That Stumped Einstein

Written By Luke Sweeney

Updated September 18, 2024

In fact, this stuff didn't just stump the world’s most famous physicist — it infuriated him. 

Even after a lifetime of work, Albert Einstein failed to find a reasonable explanation that meshed with his own breakthrough theory of relativity. 

By digging deeper and deeper into this headache-inducing field, he found that it violated nearly every single universal rule that science had come to accept. 

He called it “spooky action at a distance." Today, modern scientists call it “quantum entanglement,” and they’re only slightly closer to fully understanding the mechanics behind it. 

It’s a brutally counterintuitive concept. The more you learn about how entanglement works, the less sense it makes. There’s no simple analogy that results in a perfect “Aha!” moment. 

According to the experts, the only way to truly understand quantum entanglement is to have a near-perfect understanding of the esoteric math behind it. The equations alone can take up about 50 pages, many of which resemble something like this: 

quantum equations

If looking at that doesn't immediately endow you with the secrets of the universe, you’re not alone. You’re in the company of more than 99.9% of the planet. 

This isn't math class, so I won't bore you to death with a lecture. But this stuff isn’t just a science experiment for stuffy academics — it’s the first step in revolutionizing some of the world’s most high-tech industries.

One field in particular is currently on the receiving end of billions of dollars in federal funding. Just about every lab on the planet is already working overtime to uncover its secret first. 

First things first: Let’s start with the fun part…

Turn To Page “Ψ” In Your Textbooks

Forget everything you know about physics. In fact, the less you already know, the better. 

The basic idea is within the realm of simple. Two particles, typically photons because of their predictability, are teased into linked states. One is spinning up, and the other is spinning down.

Now, without measuring which is which, mail one of those photons to a friend in China. At the exact moment you measure your photon, its transplanted counterpart will magically assume the opposite state. 

quantum diagram

Yes, I said, “magically.” It’s a commonly used phrase to explain the arcane weirdness of quantum mechanics, even among the most grounded physicists. 

According to the principles of quantum entanglement, these linked particles could be moved to the opposite corners of the universe. If the first particle is then measured to be spinning up, the second particle will always be spinning down. 

Here’s the catch, though: Measuring one particle actually changes the other particle instantaneously. It’s not just a random 50/50 chance that one will either be up or down. 

Right here is where most brains start to short circuit — mine included. 

We’ve always been taught that light-speed is the fastest anything can travel. The possibility of instantly affecting something from light-years away sounds like science fiction. 

In fact, science fiction already has a name for that sort of thing: teleportation. 

Unfortunately, this is where the simplicity evaporates. If you ask an expert how this is possible, they will most likely tell you to enroll in a few college courses. 

The short answer? That’s just how it works. 

I Know, That’s Not a Satisfying Answer…

Like I said, the more you learn, the less you understand. 

But the math itself is far from the most exciting part of quantum entanglement. The new tech that has spun out from it is the really exciting part. 

Since these photons are inextricably linked, any attempt to look at one will instantly affect the other. For cryptographers, that’s like finding the Holy Grail. 

According to Francesco Marsili, a quantum expert from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, we’re a long way from instant communication — that type of thing isn't technically possible.

But using quantum entanglement alongside traditional communication adds an unbreakable layer of security. Any attempt to intercept a message would raise an instant alarm. It could even be programmed to immediately destroy the information. 

quantum crypto

After all, data security is one of the world’s most shamefully neglected priorities. The U.S. learned a harsh lesson from a long year of ransomware attacks — some of which took critical infrastructure offline for weeks. 

The promise of ultra-fast, unhackable communication has the financial world practically drooling with anticipation. I can guarantee major banks and powerful governments will be some of the first in line for quantum-secure systems. 

The U.S. budget for quantum information science (QIS) is swelling past $1 billion per year, without even mentioning the huge amount of capital coming from private sources. 

Like I said, this isn’t just a science project anymore. This fascinating quirk of physics is set to become the new standard for cryptography, information processing, and much more. 

Get Ready — You’ll Be Seeing This Everywhere

It’s difficult to imagine a field that wouldn’t be impacted by exploiting quantum physics. That’s why so many big tech firms are diving in headfirst. 

Amazon built its very own quantum research facility last year. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is by far the biggest cloud hosting platform on Earth — a title that could easily be stolen if another firm masters quantum science first. 

But as we’ve seen with Meta’s new laughable attempt at building a “metaverse,” having the biggest market cap doesn't always guarantee success. 

Big Tech’s tried-and-true method of throwing piles of money at a problem often falls short when dealing with bleeding-edge technology like this. That’s why our team focuses on smaller, more flexible companies like the ones listed here.

We’ve combed through every niche of this young industry. If you’re planning to invest in anything tech-related, I’d recommend starting here.

To your wealth,

Luke Sweeney
Contributor, Energy and Capital

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